Sell with Confidence
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Marketing your home professionally has never been more critical than in this day and age. 80% of our buyer enquiry is currently being generated from our database and internet sites, meaning the quality of the presentation on these mediums has to be professional.

Each property is a unique proposition and every seller has individual requirements which must be catered to. We understand that selling a property cannot be accomplished with a ‘one size fits all’ method.

Firstly we will sit down with you to discuss which demographic we feel is going to be best suited for your property. We design marketing packages which are completely tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Ray White Nundah prides itself on being the market leader of innovation in property promotion. We are proud to have a large prospective buyer database and this provides our clients with the most valuable and cost effective marketing tool.

Our advanced systems effortlessly match buyers with sellers in a highly targeted manner to give your property optimum market presence and the best chance of success.

Standard marketing examples for our properties include: professional photography, press advertising (both local and state wide), internet advertising, database marketing with e newsletters and much more.